
Speaking / Workshops

Speaking / Workshops

As companies strive to foster a healthier and more resilient workplace, the introduction of mindfulness practices is an increasingly popular option. Mindfulness is an approach to training the mind that helps develop focus, clarity, and emotional intelligence. We provide talks, keynote presentations, and workshops to introduce mindfulness and how its application in the workplace can benefit your organization, supported by both the traditions of mindfulness as well extensive published research.

Individual and Group Coaching

Individual and Group Coaching

Mindfulness has become a popular tool for personal development, but its applications extend far beyond the individual level. A mindful organization has the potential to reap a wide range of benefits, from increased productivity and efficiency to improved communication and collaboration. At Collaborative Presence, we offer tailored instruction and coaching to help both individuals and teams, departments, and functional groups integrate mindfulness into their daily work. Together, we’ll explore the full benefits of a mindful organization and how our services can help you and your team reach your goals.

Organizational Assessment and Development

Organizational Assessment and Development

Mindfulness has been shown to be a key factor in many successful and resilient organizations. Mindfulness is defined as a state of conscious awareness, being conscious of one’s thoughts, feelings, and environment. To truly reap the benefits of mindfulness, an organization must be structured in such a way that it supports and encourages it throughout its many processes, structures, and policies. With the help of validated tools, we can get an understanding of the current level of mindfulness in your organization, and then help you to develop and sustain organizational approaches that will help ensure that mindfulness remains a cornerstone of success.